How to Choose the Best Chemical Toilet Fluid?
When you head out with your camper or caravan, you spend a lot of time in the same accommodation. It temporarily becomes your home, your transport, and therefore also your sanitation. No one wants to be bothered by unpleasant odors in the chemical toilet during their holiday. That’s exactly why products have been invented to help you keep your chemical toilet and sanitation pleasant. These products come in different sizes, as well as in various price ranges.
Chemical or Biological Toilet Fluid?
When searching for the right fluid for your caravan or motorhome, there are several criteria to consider. Besides price, the ingredients and the formula are also important. A distinction is often made between chemical toilet fluids and biological ones. However, this distinction is a bit simplistic, as many chemical products can, with the right formulation, be classified as biological. A clearer distinction is between chemical toilet fluids and environmentally friendly fluids. Solbio is one of the latter, and there are few alternatives to this product. Among the biological and environmentally friendly products, Solbio is the only one in the toilet fluid market. This is precisely what makes Solbio such a powerful product.
[herbuirkbaar blok “eindelijk een biologisch alternatief”]
How does such a toilet fluid work?
Both chemical and biological fluids have the same two functions. They break down all organic waste in the pipes and chemical toilet. Additionally, they mask unpleasant odors. How truly biological a chemical toilet fluid is can be quickly seen in how it performs these two functions. With a purely chemical toilet fluid, the breakdown of organic waste occurs through direct destruction with chemical products and ingredients. Odors are then dealt with using chemical fragrances or natural odor elements. The latter, for example, is a common way for products to present themselves as biological on the packaging. A biological fluid, like Solbio, consists exclusively of natural ingredients. This applies to both the breakdown of organic waste in your chemical toilet or the pipes of your caravan or motorhome, as well as odor control in your chemical toilet
A biological fluid, like Solbio, consists exclusively of natural ingredients. This applies to both the breakdown of organic waste in your chemical toilet or the pipes of your caravan or motorhome, as well as odor control in your chemical toilet.
Solbio is Even More Unique
Solbio goes a step further. Solbio doesn’t just break down waste; it contains natural ingredients that encourage beneficial bacteria to get to work. Without delving into the scientific workings of our toilet fluid, we can state that this is a unique feature of the product. Finally, there is an eco-friendly alternative for your chemical toilet. This is thanks to our four ingredients: natural soap agents, natural citric acid, 100% natural essential oils, and plant extracts. These powerhouses ensure that you don’t need to plan your camping trip around dump stations to dispose of your chemical waste, as is the case with chemical fluids. With this solution, you can empty the chemical toilet of your caravan or motorhome virtually anywhere, where acceptable.
Solbio can be used for:
- Mobiele toiletten
- Cassettetoiletten in caravans en campers
- Coach toiletten
- Boottoiletten
- camping toiletten
- Enz …